Mr. Masayoshi Son is a Chairman at Arm Holdings Plc, a Chairman at ARM Ltd.
(United Kingdom), a Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at SB Investment Advisers (UK) Ltd., a Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at SBLA Advisers Corp., a Chairman at Supercell Oy, a Chairman, Executive President & CEO at SoftBank Group Corp.
and a Chairman at SB Energy Corp.
He is on the Board of Directors at SoftBank Group Japan KK, SoftBank Corp.
and Broadband Association.
Mr. Son was previously employed as a Chairman by SVF Holdco (UK) Ltd., a President, CEO & Representative Director by Softbank Telecom Corp., a President, CEO & Representative Director by SOFTBANK BB Corp., a Chairman by Brightstar International Corp., a Principal by MIC America LLC, a President & Director by SoftBank Holdings, Inc., a Member by Son Asset Management LLC, an Advisor by The Raine Group LLC, and a President & Representative Director by Wireless City Planning, Inc. He also served on the board at Sprint Corp., Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
and LY Corp.
He received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley.
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