Duke Energy utser Harry Sideris till VD
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Marknaden stängd -
Andra börsplatser
5-dagars förändring | Förändring 1 jan. | ||
111,60 USD | −1,16 % |
−2,95 % | +3,58 % |
14.02. | Duke Energy handlas exklusive utdelning i dag | FW |
13.02. | Duke Energy höjer femårig investeringsplan för att öka kraftförsörjningen | RE |
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Ms. Lynn J.
Good, CPA, is an Independent Director at The Boeing Co., a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Progress Energy, Inc., a Chief Executive Officer at Duke Energy Indiana LLC, a Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Duke Energy Corp., a Chief Executive Officer at Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc., a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Duke Energy Florida LLC, a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., a Chief Executive Officer & Executive Officer at Duke Energy Progress LLC, a Co-Chairman at Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Inc., a Manager at Duke Capital Partners LLC, a Member at The Business Council, a Member at The Business Roundtable and a President at Florida Progress LLC.
She is on the Board of Directors at Foundation For The Carolinas, The Boeing Co., Progress Energy, Inc., Duke Energy Florida LLC, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Catamount Energy Corp., KO Transmission Co., MyfutureNC, New York City Ballet, Inc., The Bechtler Museum of Modern Art and World Association of Nuclear Operators.
Ms. Good was previously employed as a Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer by Piedmont Natural Gas Co., Inc., an Independent Director by Hubbell, Inc., a Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President by Cinergy Corp., a Chief Financial Officer by PSI Energy, Inc., a Partner by Deloitte & Touche LLP, a Partner by Arthur Andersen LLP, a Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer by Duke Energy Carolinas LLC, a Chairman by Edison Electric Institute, Inc., a Vice President & Controller by The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co., and a Vice President & Controller by The Union Light, Heat & Power Co. She also served on the board at United Way of Central Carolinas, Inc. She received her undergraduate degree from Miami University.